Chaire Unesco - Former les enseignants au 21e siècle

Friday 7 November 2014

What is an UNESCO Chair ?
Launched in 1992, the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme promotes international inter-university cooperation and networking to enhance institutional capacities through knowledge sharing and collaborative work.

The Programme supports the establishment of UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks in key priority areas related to UNESCO’s fields of competence – i.e. in education, the natural and social sciences, culture and communication.

Our Chair

In September 2012, ENS de Lyon created a Chair on training teachers, labeled by the UNESCO, in partnership with 15 Research laboratories and 10 partners in the world (universities, institutions, networks...).

The Chair as an interface

  • A hybrid interface to promote the circulation of knowledge between the academic, political and professional environments
  • An interface between research and training to sustain research-based training issues
  • An international interface to learn from cultural differences
  • A cross-disciplinary interface to identify the converging and diverging approaches to teachers’ work

Research / training subjects of the UNESCO Chair

  • Subject 1: teachers’ professional paths throughout their lives
  • Subject 2 : new training environments connected with the organisation of teachers’ work
  • Subject 3 : design of innovative training schemes and evaluation of their impact
  • Subject 4 : professionality of trainers in support of teachers throughout their lives
  • Common denominator : the analysis of effective work, especially of teaching situations

The UNESCO Chair: tools, media, curricula

  • Annual events, summer universities, study days, etc.
  • An internationally-oriented videotraining platform
  • Invited professors
  • Doctoral contracts
  • Collaboration with UNESCO Associated Schools and LéA (associated platform for education) at IFÉ
  • Collaboration with the national training plan (PNF) of DGESCO (directorate of school education)
  • Publications,vademecums
  • A website
The authors are responsible for the choice and presentation of views contained in this article and for opinions expressed therein, which are not necessarily those of UNESCO and do not commit the Organization.
GoogleTrad : the quality of the speakers may have evolved since their intervention

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