Chaire Unesco - Former les enseignants au 21e siècle

Conférence CIDREE et lancement du Yearbook 2014

vendredi 14 novembre 2014

Conférence CIDREE et lancement du Yearbook 2014

Conférence CIDREE et lancement du Yearbook 2014

Sylvie Moussay (laboratoire ACTé Clermont 2) et Luc Ria (porteur de la chaire Unesco "Former les enseignants au XXIème siècle" et laboratoire ACTé Clermont 2) ont participé à la conférence européenne du « Consortium of Institutions for Development and Research in Education in Europe) à Oslo le 13 novembre 2014, en présence de Séverine Bresciani, coordinatrice française du CIDREE (ENS de Lyon).

Le Yearbook est la publication annuelle du consortium et il porte sur une thématique partagée par ses membres. La contribution française au « Yearbook 2014 » du CIDREE sur les « laboratoires de changement du travail enseignant » a été sélectionnée pour une présentation en plénière lors de cette manifestation européenne.

Ria, L. & Moussay, S. (2014). “Change laboratories” within secondary schools : towards accompaniment and support of teachers in the appropriation of new reforms in priority education, in F. Nyhamn & T. N. Hopfenbeck (Eds), ‘From Political Decisions to Change in the Classroom’, CIDREE Yearbook 2014, pp. 78-95.

From political decisions to change in the classroom : successful implementation of education policy

For more than twenty years, priority education policy in France has aimed at reducing social and territorial inequalities. In 2014, it is still one of the priorities of the Law for the Refoundation of the schools of the Republic. This policy encourages a diversification of missions and work frameworks requiring much experimentation and innovation.

Against this backdrop, several observation groups have been created to study the real activity of teachers in order to enable a better understanding of the evolution of the teaching profession in difficult contexts. Investigations into priority education policy undertaken in five lower secondary schools have enabled researchers to use objective and subjective indicators to account for the numerous prescriptions which regulate the work of the various members of the educational community as well as the processes of transformation of teaching methods needed to meet these prescriptions.

Two case studies will serve to illustrate the conditions of the implementation of change in lower secondary schools situated in educational priority zones. These case studies underline the role of the two researchers, which is to use tools for the observation and analysis of professional activity in order to provide teachers with impetus and support in the process of appropriation of the new educational orientations.

Keywords : Teaching ; secondary schools ; reform of priority education ; analysis and development of activity ; in-school training.

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